Sharing Some of the Society's Rich History
The pictures below are from Bancroft Road Archive and are notices of Annual AGM and Fees from 1935 and 1961. Note how Mudchute was spelt 'Mud Shoot'

Below are some maps showing the Mud Shoot and the allotments in 1930s, 1960s :

Below are two extracts from 1938 Popular Council Meetings

Below are the 1988 Society Constitution and Rules kindly provided by plot holder and committee member Christine Winterflood. Click here to download PDF of these.
Below are various press clippings about the allotments. The first is in 1893 and the first two cover the period up to 1910. The next ' Fine Produce from Island Allotments Opened by the Mayor is from 1936. Then we have the late 50s before articles covering the PLA wanting the Mudshoot back for Docks and the ensuing protests. Finally we have Sir Michael Pickard opening the new Society Pavilion in 1997. All these documents are available from the Bancroft Road Archive along with the complete Borough's Allotment Committee Minutes between 1946 and 1962 .